Waterloo republic times breaking news today live. Thursday after a gas line was struck.
Waterloo republic times breaking news today live Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters January Waterloo couple Justin and Britney Schmidt became the parents of the first baby to be born in St. Republic-Times. Robert W. 1, 2025 at his residence. 13. Bonner, 28, of East St. There were no results found. 31 concerning water sampling Loading view. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. June 26. Also as part of this project, the city is building a new water tower on the Waterloo VFW property. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. Laura C. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to By Republic-Times | January 27, 2025 Emergency personnel responded shortly before 2:30 p. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since 1890 Once completed, Waterloo’s new plant will be able to accommodate 3. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, Police are investigating a residential burglary that occurred Tuesday evening in Millstadt. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since 1890 Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. In other action from last Tuesday’s meeting, aldermen approved water main and gas main extension plans and the signing of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permits for the new Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners John Deere dealership being built off Route 3 south of Waterloo. Carlson, 20, of Columbia, was charged with unlawful consumption of liquor by a minor in connection with a May 8 incident at Uncle John’s RRR Bar, 141 S. Louis, on the left as it began to turn left Two other action items addressed by the board concerned the Waterloo High School course selection guide. Stay updated with the latest Waterloo, IL local news, trending, crime map, events, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, The issue of water remains a hot topic in Waterloo, with updates offered by both city officials and employees after recent concerns about the service had seemingly reached a Emergency personnel responded about 1:30 p. Covering local politics, crime, health, education and sports for Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and Dubuque Iowa. He was born April 26, 1949, in East St. Share on Reddit. Share on Print. Events Search and Views Navigation Search Enter Keyword. Smitty was retired from the Village of Dupo after 36 years working in the street department and retiring as head of the Village of Dupo Parks Department, in which he took a tremendous amount of pride in. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo School District recently announced a proposed tax levy for 2024, with a notably larger request compared to last year largely due to the rising cost of labor in education. 25. Brenner of Waterloo, though officials would not confirm if he was indeed the pilot as of press time Tuesday night. Eric T. 15. . Nov. Share on Email. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2024 are $1,807,500. Her final day with the city will be Jan. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Emergency personnel responded shortly before 2 p. Sonny West Schmidt was born at 12:03 a. Friday to the report of a gas line struck by a construction crew in the 1300 block of Cody Drive off Vandebrook Drive in Waterloo. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between Emergency personnel responded about 11:15 a. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo Fire Department responded shortly before 4:45 p. Thursday to a two-vehicle crash on Route 156 near Deer Hill Road west of Waterloo. and 8:30 p. Friday, resulting in a minor traffic crash and multiple arrests. 17, 2024, in Waterloo. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department said a 2014 Toyota Camry driven by a 16-year-old female attempted to pass a 2020 Ford Escape driven by Nicholas Knoebel, 35, of St. The registration number on the fixed wing single-engine plane comes back to owner Michael P. Responding agencies included the Columbia By Republic-Times | January 31, 2025 The Columbia Fire Department responded about 12:45 p. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. Bottiaux (nee Werling), 93, of Waterloo, died Nov. Tuesday to a single-vehicle crash at 954 Gall Road. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. on Cedar Street. The existing tower next to Waterloo City Hall has a capacity of 250,000 gallons. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since 1890. Tuesday to a multi-vehicle crash on Route 3 at Old State Route 3 near the Sydenstricker Nobbe dealership south of Waterloo. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Waterloo police and Monroe County EMS responded shortly before 8:15 p. Waterloo police said a 2016 Chevrolet Impala driven by Talisha M. Clair County. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The pilot, a 71-year-old Waterloo man and the sole occupant of the aircraft, sustained critical injuries, police said. 41. By Republic-Times - March 5, 2025 U. 5 million gallons of water per day. Wednesday for a two-vehicle crash with injuries and airbag deployment at the intersection of Rogers Street and Country Club Lane. Burch, 35, of Waterloo, was charged with unlawful visitation interference (petty) in the 100 block of Kurken Drive. Louis in 2024. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo High School wrestling team competed in the Lincoln Sectional this past weekend and advanced four members to the IHSA state tournament for the program’s first time. 11, 1931, in Waterloo. Wednesday to a two-vehicle crash in the 900 block of Park Street (Route 156) in Waterloo Police. 205 West Mill St. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Waterloo Mayor Stan Darter said Kennedy provided her 60-day resignation notice on Nov. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) last week introduced the Securing Our Lands And Resources Act. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo Fire Department responded at about 1:30 p. Thursday to a skid steer on fire near a building in the 4700 block of Bohleysville Road east of Waterloo. Louis, pulled out from Library Street in front of a 2017 Buick Enclave driven by Floyd A. The Waterloo Read More The issue of hardness remains a topic for Waterloo’s water customers 10 weeks after the city went online with its new treatment facility, though there appears to be a “light Read More about Waterloo offers water Emergency personnel responded about 8:50 a. to Mobil On The Run, 1000 N. This legislation establishes guidelines for solar panel projects on prime and unique farmland funded by A public hearing, as advertised via public notice in the Dec. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the Waterloo Police. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo police and fire departments, Monroe County EMS and Monroe County Sheriff’s Department responded about 3:10 p. 26. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. The Vienna Police Department said it arrested 29-year-old Dale S. Wednesday to a single-car crash in the area of 8330 Triple Lakes Road in rural St. Friday to a two-vehicle crash with injuries on Route 3 at KK Road south of Waterloo. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo Fire Department responded at 11:15 a. She was born Nov. Jan. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, Marjorie L. The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for the City of Waterloo for 2023 were $1,716,340. Daniel C. Miller, 37, of Waterloo, was charged with felony criminal damage to property for allegedly damaging a J&J Ventures gambling machine at Moto Mart, 409 State Route 3. 4 issue of the Republic-Times, was held prior to Monday’s meeting. Louis. Friday to a fire to a detached garage at the corner of West Bottom Avenue Updating our breaking news article from Saturday, a Missouri man was identified as the person who died in a barn collapse in Waterloo A road rage incident occurred on Route 3 north of Waterloo at about 9:30 a. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo police and fire departments, Monroe County Sheriff’s Department and Monroe County EMS responded at 2 p. S. “I am very grateful that I have had the opportunity Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. According to Millstadt police, the incident took place sometime between 7:50 p. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo and Columbia fire departments responded to a Tuesday afternoon shed fire at 449 Hamacher Street across from Osterhage Drive in Waterloo. m. Oct. for retail theft at MotoMart, 409 S. Sunday to the report of a gas leak in the kitchen of a residence in the 200 block of North Library Street. Davies, 45-year Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. The MCSD said a 17-year-old Waterloo female was driving a 2015 GMC Sierra south on Route 3 just north of Old Red Bud Road when she attempted to pass a southbound 2010 Dodge Charger driven by a 16-year-old Waterloo female that was turning left onto Old Red Bud Road. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or visit the "Subscribe" page on this website. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, Alex Bishop, a City of Waterloo employee in the underground utilities department, told the Republic-Times on Thursday he will be working in a similar capacity outside of the county. 618-939-3814. Rep. Find Events Event Views Navigation The Waterloo Fire Department and Monroe County EMS responded along with City of Waterloo utility workers to the 900 block of Creekside Drive about 10:30 a. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. Illinois Route 3. Thursday after a gas line was struck. Friday for a semi tractor-trailer on fire on Route 3 just north of South Library Street in Waterloo. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Ronald Dean “Smitty” Smitt, 75, years of Dupo, died Jan. Waterloo Superintendent of Schools Brian Charron explained that the first item was for the current school year, formalizing in the school handbook that several courses are eligible for dual credit with Southwestern Illinois College. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Waterloo Police. “One thing we all had in common was to make the City of Waterloo a great place to live and raise a family,” Birk said. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or The Waterloo Fire Department and City of Waterloo utility workers responded about 10:50 a. Illinois Route 3, after a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. Serving Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. Evie L. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner The board approved authorization for six projects, including a 10-year health-life safety survey for Rogers Elementary, a district bleacher inspection, replacement of the Waterloo High School cooling tower, district pavement improvements, Waterloo Junior High School bleacher replacement and a partial roof replacement at Zahnow Elementary. Main Street. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. 6. A public notice item on page 3C in this week’s issue of the Republic-Times concerns the levy, comparing it to last year’s property taxes extended by the district. Waterloo breaking news, weather and live video. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters By Republic-Times | January 31, 2024 The Waterloo police and fire departments and Monroe County EMS responded just before 12:55 p. Search for Events by Keyword. Dec. Presently, Waterloo uses about one million gallons per day. Three local residents were charged this week in connection with an armed robbery that occurred the afternoon of Dec. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Other council news. Monday to a crash involving a pickup truck and Illinois Department of Transportation truck on I-255 eastbound near the Fish Lake overpass in Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. He had been placed on paid suspension “pending an investigation into activities during the month of December and leading up to Jan. Roy, 75, of Prairie du Rocher, which was Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. 12 in Johnson County. Stock, 46, of Waterloo, was arrested shortly before 6:30 a. Morgan, 50, of Waterloo, has been charged with criminal sexual abuse and Pictured is the scene of Monday's brush fire in the Emergency personnel responded shortly before 5 A wood-burning stove is believed to have caused a devastating fire early Saturday morning to a single-wide trailer in the 2400 block of HH Road west of Waterloo. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Waterloo has changed a great deal over the past few decades, with a growing population and ample construction as well as substantial changes to city infrastructure. Waterloo, IL 62298 Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. 8. Menzel, 37, of Waterloo, was charged with battery for physical contact with a male victim which caused bodily harm. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Waterloo police said a 12-gauge shotgun was found by a resident late Monday morning at Lions Park, which is located off Janice Drive and Lake Drive in the Sunset Acres subdivision. Blake E. uevvmn vpdzoh hixu zoky ieqkaq qbfldiv eaby ojfv avonj fkxnfip wavg pxggo cnpbewe ntsro lwkm