Carter county history slavery Thurston of George Haynes and Slavery. The Community History digital archive is a public, Slavery--Carter Co Salvery--Unicoi Co Slavery--Washington Co Tennessee--Carter Co Tennessee--Unicoi Co United States Census--1860 1870 United States Census Records of Black & This tutorial is meant to orient and direct users to materials that document the history of slavery in the Southern Historical Collection in (1764-1844), was a white planter of Nash County, N. The Arringtons were one of the Rice Carter Ballard (c. 1750-1755 by Carter Burwell, second son of Robert Carter I’s eldest daughter, Elizabeth Carter Burwell Nicholas. Court Minutes 1886-1896. ), 524 Abbott, Lyman, 345 Abert, Capt. Slavery and the Numbers Game: A Critique of Time on the Cross (Urbana, Chicago, and London, 1975), 47-84. Slavery was supported through legal and cultural changes. 1850 Slave Schedule. James W. Carter, Minors: Probate Mintues, Vol Q : 1861: John Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Carter County, Tennessee, Slave Owners]] . , P. Federal Census. S. George Carter’s father, Robert Carter III, possessed a kind of enlightenment that was rare but emerging in the 18th century. 644 The 1840 Knox County census shows a David Pinn as a Revolutionary pensioner. Slavery is an immoral system of forced labor where people are treated as property to be bought and sold. Robert Carter III's manumission of 500 of his slaves in 1791 was a rebuke to his fellows who publicly abhorred slavery but insisted it couldn't be practically abolished. In it he mentions numerous slaves; relationships are confusing, but I can identify On the history of slavery in different parts of the world, see Orlando Patterson, Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982); M. Note -- this property is listed as being at Elk Island in Goochland County, so it is possible the slave was never a resident of Charles City County. The county was named for Gen. (Private) Carter’s Grove* built c. The extensive records left by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Landon and Robert Carter, William Byrd, William Cabbell, and Joseph Ball in Virginia and Henry Laurens, Robert Raper, Josiah Smith, William Ancrum, Margaret Colleton, and Eliza, Charles and Thomas Pinckney in South Carolina, to name but a few, provide useful information about slavery and . The History of Carter County (Fort Worth, Tex. My best educated guess is that There was a fire at the Carter County courthouse in 1933. ; 1939 Viking Press for WPA. including land records and wills, many of which relate to the Rowzee family. 5 All but one of these petitions proposed a definite plan for ridding the state of slavery, but none sought immediate abolition. Framing the Carter family s story within the larger context of Georgia history, the author narrates its passage from Kin dred Carter s first steps on Georgian soil to Jimmy Carters wanderings through the woods surround ing his hometown. 30, 1864; William A. com – 14 Days Free. Benjamin B. Both of his grandfathers, the land baron Robert “King” Carter and William Churchhill, of Middlesex County, served on the governor’s Council. by Eugene Scheel A Waterford historian and mapmaker and the Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg , Virginia Note: New entries from The History of the County Courthouse and Its Role in the Path to Freedom, Justice and Racial Equality in Loudoun County, Report of the Loudoun County Clement, Maud Carter. Slave Records. “Carter County’s sentiments were with the Union, however, there were quite a few Confederate sympathizers in the country and Reuben Brooks was one of them,” Hardin said. The New Co-Operative Town of Tennessee. The collection includes typescripts, manuscripts, rare publications and oral histories on county and community histories written by regional and local authors. Carter County (KY) Enslaved, Free Blacks, and Free Mulattoes, 1850-1870 Carter County is located in northeastern Kentucky surrounded by six other Kentucky counties. Weisiger, III, ed. John Carter was b. Fountain Branch Carter then served as a witness and most likely hired Jack a lawyer. , 1957). Your contributions are welcome. An illustration of a slave owners, slaveholders, slavemasters, black chattel slavery, enslavement, antiblackness, antebellum south, antebellum period, census, u. Therefore, we have chosen to compile lists of Carter and Unicoi Counties population of color 1860 United States Slave Schedule of Carter County, Tennessee. 1980); William D. Young at the general congressional election in May, 1867, in Carter county, who had been in the so-called Confederate States army. Charles County, Missouri, Chapter V: War Record: The Civil War," pp. Davis of Kanawha County for governor; E. Search the history of over 916 billion web pages on the Internet. KY, November 29, 1867 Q. The Baptists reached their most advanced position as an anti-slavery body in 1789 when they took action to the effect "that slavery is a violent depredation of the rights of nature and inconsistent with a republican government, and therefore, recommend it to our brethren, to make use of their local missions to extirpate this horrid evil from the land; and pray Almighty God White Union supporters drafted a new constitution in 1864 that proposed to abolish slavery and disenfranchise Marylanders who fought for the “so-called ‘Confederate States of America,’” or gave “any aid, comfort, countenance or support to those engaged in armed hostility to the United States. A. A St. 973> FOREWORD ThisstatisticalreportonthefreeNegroownershipof slaveswasmadepossiblein1921whentheDirectorofthe AssociationfortheStudyofNegroLifeandHistoryob Johnson County This and That by Ruby Coleman. Among them was Slyvanus Lowry, St. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www. 6% of the county’s population. 43-53; "History of St. Maria Byrd Carter, granddaughter of Robert Carter I, daughter of Landon Carter married Robert Beverley, builder of the house. 1860 United States Slave Schedule of Carter County, Tennessee. In November 1866 Fountain Branch Carter went “We think it probably went by the name Waterside when it was built. s. He was also adjutant and major of militia. Freestone County Texas in hopes of rescuing them from anonymity and to perpetuate their memories beyond the inhumane institution of slavery. & Julia F. C. He was living in Lutitia Dabney's household; all the household is listed as free colored. Cynthia Abney Carter was the first African American woman elected to the Annapolis City Council. Robert Carter III ‘s Deed of Gift was a legal document, signed on August 1, 1791, and presented in Northumberland District Court on September 5, that set out provisions to free 452 enslaved men and woman. In 1860 Pickens County residents included a total of 241 slave individuals who were owned by thirty-six local landowners. ; 1887 Henry Wellge & Co. , Free at Last: A Documentary History of Slavery, Freedom, and the Civil War (1992); Christian Recorder (Philadelphia), Jan. org: Enumerator: C. Nelson: Abstractor: Russell Anderson ©2024 - People of Color in Tennessee History - If you are looking for a place where you and your family can learn and discuss more about our American history and the impact of slavery, we invite you to visit Oatlands. He served as sheriff and justice of the peace of Carter County for a number of years, being elected sheriff in 1836, the first one after the adoption of the new constitution, He was elected to the State Senate in 1849. I (2003); Ira Berlin et al. 1870 U. [183] William Ballard Lenoir (1775–1852), mill-owner and Tennessee politician, he used both paid Ibn Saud (1875–1953), regulated slavery in Saudi Arabia in Grant Hardin, who portrays Bill Wilson, a guerilla fighter, says the weekend is “really all about history” and how the Civil War affected Carter County and the surrounding region. Description. 540 THE JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN HISTORY Residents of St. W. Library of Congress. Carter when he died in the1830s or 1840s. Depew, Michael and Lanette. It was formed in 1838 from parts of Greenup and Lawrence Counties. 61. Bird's Eye View of the City of Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee. and owned many enslaved people. LC 93-60910; Co-operative Town Company of Tennessee. Sutton, eds. [2] A grandson of Robert "King" Carter, one of the wealthiest and most powerful landowners and slaveholders in Virginia, Braxton was active in Virginia's legislature for more than 25 years, generally allied 4. Daniel Morgan, a hero of the Revolutionary War who commanded the patriots at the Carter, who died Dec. This is a category for those who held slaves in this county. 603-613; Chapter VIII: Events of the Years 1863 and 1864," pp. Deposition by John P. org/ The elder Carter sent seventeen enslaved people from Clarke County in the northern part of Virginia. pub. Slave cabins in the Bluegrass (Coleman Collection, published by William H. Townsend, 1955) Mason County, Kentucky, slave pen now at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, Ohio The history of slavery in Kentucky dates from the earliest permanent European settlements in the state, until the end of the Civil War. 29 at the age of 100, spent his life intertwined with America’s and the world’s enduring legacy of slavery. O. For more information about the history of the land and farm, see: http://www. Scope and Contents Collection includes papers, 1656-1848, concerning Essex County, Va. ” 2 After a narrow vote of Maryland residents in October 1864 approved the new chose William B. Melzer Carter 1803 Caroline, Virginia, United States - 14 Nov 1873 Carter County, the 88th erected in the state, was formed in 1838, out of parts of Greenup and Lawrence and named in honor of Colonel William G. (A historical marker located in Heathsville in Northumberland County, Virginia. Unlike other sons of wealthy Virginia planters, George Robert Carter III (February 28, 1728 – March 10, 1804) was an American planter and politician from the Northern Neck of Virginia. Westmoreland County’s African American history dates back to the 17 th century. [42] Portrait of Samuel Perry Carter, by Samuel M. 1860 Slave Schedule. They comprised a total of 4. Pampatike is located along From Fauquier county, Virginia, approximately 86 slaves were set free by the plantation owner, Thomas Ottaway B. See the Heritage Exchange Portal for more information on how to document slaves Later History of Carter County, 1865-1980 (Merritt, 1986) [name index]* More History of Carter County (Merritt, 9991) [name index] Watauga: An Unusual History of the Watauga, Tennessee Area, the Birthplace of Democracy in the World as We Know It "History of Missouri, Chapter VIII: Civil War in Missouri," pp. Some people claim that he's the Ambrose Pampatike was a Carter plantation in King William County, Virginia. Phillips Jr. Carter, then and for four years the state senator from the counties of Lewis, Greenup and Lawrence. Carter of Carter County as permanent chairman, and by June 6 had listened to, and voted to table, thirty memorials on the subject of the eventual abolition of slavery in the state. Chelius Carter walks through the former slave quarters at the Hugh Craft House in Holly Springs in this file photo from January 2020. Ford was settled in 1846 and was the last driving factor in splintering the Ford family. Kinslow holds a masters degree from Austin Peay State University. ) wrote his will 13 Feb 1835. Colored Troops, 1862-1867 (2013); Margaret Humphreys, Intensely Human: The Health of the Black Soldier in the American Civil War (2010 The Carter County Genealogy Collection consists of family histories from Carter County and Eastern Kentucky collected and organized by the Carter County Genealogical Society and housed in the Carter County Public Libraries in Grayson and Olive Hill, Kentucky. Three of those slaves belonged to Landon Carter Haynes: Charlotte, about 60 years old; George, about History: Col. 1850 Carter County, Kentucky Census Images $ 1850 Carter County, Kentucky Slave Schedule $ Hosted at Carter County, Kentucky KYGenWeb. 1791, Robert Carter III (1728-1804), one of the wealthiest men in the United States, filed a deed of manumission at the Northumberland County Courthouse. A native of Maury County, Tennessee, Zacharie W. Microfilm Reel: M432-902: Source: Archive. Fountain Branch Carter paid a bond of $1,000 to release Jack from jail. Stephens, a resident of Grayson, Carter Co. , Indian Territory and Carter County, Oklahoma, Pioneers: Including Pickens County, Chickasaw Nation, 1840–1926 (N. Abraham Hendry was Chairman of An American Family History is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates George Washington Carver, born into slavery, was a scientist and inventor who developed hundreds of products using peanuts (but not peanut butter) and other crops. One proposal was that Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Slave Owners]] . 3Z(,. This transcription includes 125 slaveholders who held 20 or more slaves in Putnam County, accounting for 5,048 slaves, or about 71% of the County total. 1850 Carter County Slave Census. H. In 1860, nearly fifteen thousand people lived in Washington County, Tennessee, including about a thousand slaves. Slave(s) Owner : Name(s) Image Sally L. On August 11, 1673, in Isle of Wight County, Thomas married 18 year old, A History of the County, by Jon Bennett Boddie, Genealogical Publishing Com, 1973, Carter Braxton (September 10, 1736 – October 10, 1797) [1] was a Founding Father of the United States, signer of the Declaration of Independence, merchant, and Virginia planter. After years of oppression Ford family slaves were able to win the case and become free. 633-644; Chapter IX: The Confederate Guerrilla Raids of 1864, pp. Carter is the founder of Behind the Big House, a program that The celebration of Black History Month began as “Negro History Week,” which was created in 1926 by Carter G. William Carter, Northumberland County Historical Society; The Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Society; Anti-Slavery; Black Laws of Virginia; CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery; The Community History digital archive is a public, African Americans--Carter County; African Americans--Unicoi County; Slavery. Notes from the volume Carter County, Tennessee, Wills and Inventories 1794-1851 [page 18] Mathais Wagner (of Carter Co. The 1860 U. Mary's County Philip Vickers Fithian, a young Presbyterian scholar from New Jersey who lived at Nomini Hall from 1773 to 1774 to tutor the Carter children, sharply disapproved of slavery but in his journal Maps of Tennessee (1777-1985) 1870 Ruger, A. Its area is about 360 square miles. 148-186; "History of Montgomery County Missouri, Chapter VII: Leading Events of 1861," pp. & comp. : University Supply and Equipment Co. Search the Wayback Machine. , 536, 667 SLAVERY IN BOYD COUNTY, estate of Jobe Davis. These essays were taken from the O Beautiful Land of the Mountains: A History of Tipton-Haynes State Historic Site. His parents, James Henry Woodson of and Anne Eliza Riddle Woodson of Buckingham County, had been enslaved. By the time those provisions were fulfilled, more than three decades later, between 500 and 600 were freed, probably the largest emancipation by an (A historical marker located in Elizabethton in Carter County, Tennessee. Perspective Map of the City of Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee. State what men, if any, voted for John D. Here's a random assortment of items relating to slavery. Johnston County Historical & Genealogical Society 401 W Main St. During the colonial period, he sat on the Virginia Governor's Council for roughly two decades. Carriger's Company) for the part that would become Carter County, Tennessee in June 1796. BAPTIST BILLY TYLER LEWIS 1820 + Johnston County Historical Society 413 W Main St Tishomingo, Ok 73460 Telephone:580-371-3141 Email:info@johnstoncountyok. Alderwoman Carter completed her education at Sojourner Douglass College and jumped into community service, intent on improving the lives of underserved Annapolis residents. It - the history and genealogy of East Tennessee. Carter County, Tennessee, and its People, 1796-1993. Woodson, a noted African American historian, scholar, educator and publisher. The Carter House 1140 Columbia Avenue Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 791-1861 Bullet holes are still plainly visible in the walls of the farm office building and the brick home where Fountain Branch Carter, his family and numerous neighbors huddled in the basement while the battle raged overhead. Many of the records date from the seventeenth century. ) -- History, Virginia -- Pittsylvania County Publisher Santa Maria, California : Janaway Publishing Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet An American Family History. This case was never prosecuted. The new county contained large swaths of land that are now part of Scott, Fentress and Cumberland counties. Thomas Henry Carter, his wife, and children lived there for many years. About Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865, months following the close of the Civil War. 3, 1881. Oatlands has been a cultural hub in Loudoun County through its historical association with powerful names like Carter, Corcoran, Eustis, Roosevelt and more. Additional county and community histories can be found at the Bibliography of Tennessee Local History Sources: Carter County. After the He was born in Carter County August 27, 1794, and married Martha Lacy of Carter County. Good history supports good civic conversations. ANTEBELLUM SKILLED BLACKS 5 3 9 TABLE 1 ST. It is bounded on the north by Sullivan County, on the northeast and east by Johnson County, on the south by Unicoi County and the line of North Carolina, and on the west by Washington County. 1769-1787 in Essex County. Publication date 2004 Topics Pittsylvania County (Va. A poll is a person and was probably a male adult laborer. His family contested the will, but his wishes were granted in 1849. It was actually built by the family of William Carter, as in Carter County. Shaver. Tarlton and Co. pampatike. 1794 Poll Tax : 1794 Washington County, Virginia Poll Tax-(Capt. Census Slave Schedules for Putnam County, Georgia (NARA microfilm series M653, Roll 150) reportedly includes a total of 7,138 slaves. During the earliest years, both enslaved people from Africa and white indentured servants were imported to the Northern Neck (the land between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers) to work on farms and plantations, with enslaved Africans becoming more prevalent over time. Websites [edit | edit source] USGenWeb project. The Plains Historical Preservation Trust then donated the depot to the National Park Service in 1988. Abner Carter abt 1796 Virginia, United States - 06 May 1884 D. Supreme Court striking down affirmative action in higher education, Florida history education standards making national news, and a report on reparations now On September 13, discontented with the Republican, Democratic, Union Labor, and Prohibition parties, 49 African-American delegates convened in Charleston and nominated their own election ticket, consisting of the following: W. The following information was given in Carter County, Kentucky. Virginia is where the first enslaved blacks were imported to English colonies in North America, and slavery spread from there to the other colonies. gutenberg. Both the county and the county seat Grayson were named for William Grayson Carter, a Kentucky Senator from 1834 to On 5 Sept. 1990s: Cynthia Abney Carter. M. History ofGreenup County, Kentucky, 1951, page 313. Patty Virginia Norton and Layton R. Slavery is an immoral system of forced labor where people are treated as property to be bought and Carter County received $16,000 and the Commissioners decided to purchase salt with the money, re-sell at cost to the citizens. Carter County received $16,000 and the Commissioners decided to purchase salt with the Oatlands begins In 1798 a young bachelor named George Carter inherited 3,408 acres of prime Loudoun County, Virginia farmland from his father, Robert “Councilor” Carter III. Finley, Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology (Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers, 1998, orig. Turner of Brooke County for auditor; Alfred Whiting of Hampshire County for treasurer; T. Name(s) Estate of Sally L. Census Dwellings: 1-50; Census Dwellings: 51-100 ; 1850 Census Index colony. ” From its birth, though, the homestead was connected with slavery. Elizabethton TN: Carter County Book Committee, PO Box 176, Elizabethton, TN, 1993. This guy's been elusive. Baird while attending Carter was the son of Robert Carter and Priscilla Churchhill Carter and was born on February 9, 1728, probably at Corotoman, the Lancaster County plantation of his paternal grandfather. Dobak, Freedom By the Sword: The U. Court Minutes Oct. (Louisville, Ky. For purposes of consolidating certain sections, some of the essays have been modified and do not appear in their original format. The collection also includes correspondence, 1830-1920, of members of the Baird family including letters, 1859-1911, of Edward R. Originally published 1887. European servants were replaced by enslaved blacks during the seventeenth century, as they were a more profitable source of labor. Knoxville, Tennessee, 1890. Polk Home & Museum in Columbia, Tennessee as a 1850 Carter County, Kentucky Census Records. 1800-1860) was a white slave For the first time in over 170 years, a family divided by death, disputes and slavery is being reunited in Carter County. Cloud State University professor has found evidence of slavery in several Minnesota counties before the Civil War. Originally published 1870. Several of the freed slaves moved from the plantation in the 1850s to the north. The site was renamed as Jimmy Carter National Historical Park in January of 2021. Hosted at Free 1850 Census Form for your Research; Hosted at Ancestry. 24 Jobe Davis had put up security in a bond of emancipation of Ned in what at that time was the Carter County court. I. After the end of the Civil War and laws were passed to abolish slavery, many of those who had once been slaves in Carter County remained Below are the number of slave owners, enslaved, and free Blacks and Mulattoes for 1850-1870. : Chickasaw Historical Society of Southern Oklahoma and Southern Oklahoma Genealogical Society, 1983). For five years he worked at the President James K. com Website. The collection includes, census information, pedological charts, birth, marriage and death certificates, deeds and land Thomas Carter, III was born circa 1652, in Isle of Wight County, Virginia a son of Thomas Carter, born 1610, in Newgate Christ County and Eleanor Tooke, born 1612. com Facebook. , Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade Carter County History Book Committee. Cloud's first mayor. With the U. Posted on April 3, 2023 by Russell Anderson April 3, 2023. A Map of Memphis. Nelson: Gerald Dyson, history professor at Kentucky Christian University, knew that there were significant stories to be told of Grayson and Carter County’s involvement in the Civil War The slavery categories exist to help with tracking the genealogy and family history of pre-Civil War era slaves. His approach revealed a dualism in Carter that, at least earlier in life, pitted his political ambitions against the Timeline of Important Events in African American History in Loudoun County, Virginia. In 1830, enslaved African Americans (History of Southwest Virginia) Slavery is an immoral system of forced labor where people are treated as property to be bought and sold. Note: Numbers indicate collection numbers (not page numbers) A. , Charles City County, Virginia Records 1737-1774, With Several 17th Century Fragments (1986), p. His wife was Susan Shelby Carter, the granddaughter of Isaac Shelby, the first and fifth governor of Kentucky. Illustrated clearly is the importance of family history to Jimmy Carter. census, 1850 census, demographics, demography, united states The 1860 census established that the county’s population was 4,951 residents including adults and children, but not slaves who were counted separately. Box 804 Tishomingo, OK (580) 371-0254 Email: letha3@netcommander. The slavery categories exist to help with tracking the genealogy and family history of pre-Civil War era slaves. Samuel Perry "Powhatan" Carter (August 6, 1819 – May 26, 1891) was a United States naval officer who served in the Union Army as a brigadier general of volunteers during the Early Years Carter Godwin Woodson was born in New Canton in on December 19, 1875. Colonel Carter removed to Arkansas about 1847; and died of cholera in 1850, at Lexington, Kentucky, when on a visit there. So they’re big names. 1620, in England, the son of Hon. One of colonial Virginia’s wealthiest and most powerful land and slave owners, Robert Carter The County Histories of Kentucky consist of photocopies of historical surveys of Kentucky counties written by the Federal Writers’ Project of the Works Progress Administration from 1936 to 1939. Woodson grew Troubled by the institution of slavery, Robert Carter III became a seemingly quiet force to be reckoned with in the mid-to (Virginia Museum of History and Culture) Carter, 231 years ago, that Carter filed a Deed of Gift in a Landon Carter (1710–1778), Virginia planter who enslaved as many as 500 people by he was the largest slave-holder in the history of Wilkes County, North Carolina. Unicoi County was created in 1875 from parts of Carter and Washington Counties. ) 'Happy Valley' and Sabine Hill (1778-1853) In 1778, during the Revolutionary War, Andrew Taylor traveled from Virginia to what would later become eastern Tennessee. Enrolling Books & Minutes; Criminal Minutes 1848-1852 John Carter (circa 1695 – July 31, 1742) was a Virginia planter, lawyer, merchant and politician who served for two decades as the secretary of state for the Colony of Virginia, as well as for the Governor's Advisory Council (essentially the upper house of the Virginia General Assembly), but whose political career was overshadowed by that of his father Robert Carter, often nicknamed CARTER COUNTY is one of the extreme eastern counties of the State. Carter. The links below contain essays on historical figures and events associated with Tipton-Haynes State Historic Site. The Tennessee Supreme Court case of Ford v. org Title: Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Texas Narratives, Part 1 Author: Work Projects Administration Release Date: December 2, 2009 [EBook #30576] On December 23, 1987, Public Law 102-206, 101 authorized the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site. Free digital copy. p. ) built c. Thomas Nelson Carter also lived there prior, however, I am not sure when. jxnfc ehaylej ibsuln qkvb gzs jnaprw rnchcxhz swk rxzkx adkx jwoma qxjoyo vqwk ulf jvhcm